Increase Sales by Quickly Finding the Right Mattress for Your Customer
In the competitive world of mattress retail, you work hard to get customers in your store. XSENSOR’s REVEAL system will improve your close rate, increase your average sale and reduce returns. Our pressure imaging technology helps you to sell the right mattress faster. For nearly 20 years XSENSOR has been helping Mattress Retailers and Manufacturers grow their businesses. The REVEAL mattress recommendation system uses pressure imaging to quickly find the right mattress for your customer’s body type. Mattresses range in comfort and support with a target body type in mind – REVEAL makes the connection with the right one. When your customers see what they feel they are more likely to buy.
Design Better Mattresses
Designers from top mattress brands have consistently used the Mattress R&D System to evaluate the comfort and durability of their designs. XSENSOR’s Mattress R&D System combines high resolution bed sensors with our feature rich Pro V8 software with all the tools needed to evaluate and compare different designs. Our R&D sensors are thin and flexible with over 10,000 sensors. With unparalleled accuracy, durability and repeatability you can trust the data and have confidence in your design decisions.