Dynamic Tire Testing

Capture tire interface pressures at over 140 km/h with our latest innovation in tire testing. XSENSOR’s High Speed Tire Sensor Systems are capable of capturing accurate high resolution tire footprint images in fully dynamic conditions. Advanced tire interface pressure measurements at various speeds, inclination angles and inflation pressures will provide a more full understanding of tire performance.

The High Speed Tire system utilizes our all new HX sensor technology and ultra fast signal processing electronics. For the first time, tire design and test engineers can capture complete tire footprint data at high speed and evaluate using XSENSOR’s powerful new Tire Testing software. With 1.54 mm sensels, our new high resolution HX510 sensors will capture fine tread features and record at over 450Hz while maintaining measurement accuracy of +/- 5%.

Specifications & Performance

HX510:256.256.16 1.54 40.6 x 40.6 3-137.9 (5-200) High

Better By Design

For nearly 20 years, XSENSOR has supplied industry-leading sensor technologies to global leaders in tire design, research and manufacturing. Continuing sensor innovation has enabled XSENSOR to develop entirely new, durable tire sensors that operate at high speed and deliver industry-leading accuracy, reliability and repeatability. Our new HX510 series sensor solutions are designed, manufactured, and factory-calibrated at our ISO 17025 accredited facilities. Combined with our Pro Tire software, engineers have the tools to better understand tire mechanics at speed and optimize tire footprint performance.

Tire Tread Pressure using HX510:256.256.16 Resolution: 1.54 mm
Pressure Range: 3-137.9 N/cm2

Calibration Stability & Data Integrity

In capacitive sensing, the compression characteristics of the sensor materials determine the calibration stability of the sensor. Our proprietary materials are engineered to ensure our sensors maintain the highest levels of calibration stability. The result is that HX510 sensors do not need to be recalibrated before each use, and data integrity is maintained.

Superior Imaging

XSENSOR Pro Tire is advanced software to meet the needs of capturing, processing and analyzing high speed tire image data. Like our Pro software, it is easy-to-use and very stable, and the go-to tool for tire design, research and manufacturing teams. It records 2D and 3D tire pressure images, and calculates lengths, ratios, contact areas, gross contact areas, and groove area fractions. Pro Tire supports adjustment of applied measurement lines, and automatically recalculates measurements. You can display up to three position images at once, complete with summary statistics and measurements.

Tire Tread Pressure using HX510:256.256.16 Resolution: 1.54 mm
Pressure Range: 3-137.9 N/cm2